Bringing experiences across disciplines to equip our clients with better technology and earn their spot in people’s lives.

AI-Powered Avatar

Join with FXMedia for Digital Solutions and Innovations. Discover how AI Avatars are Leading the Way!

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Build and live in a freedom of actions in digital era

We started our journey in 1994 to fuse art and technology, transforming new ideas into engaging interactive digital media for audience to learn from the experience. Art manifests limitless ideas that lead us a way to form a bridge, connecting the need (real world) into digitalization.

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Metaverse Development

Building the environment to match your business using advanced technology to provide freedom of actions.

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Digital Twins

Represent your business or product into digital presentation precisely matched with your target.

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Build a persuasive design to create immersive gameful experience to user.

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Composing digital environment that allow multi visitors to experience with

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